[ main | biography | links]
[ liberal arts/sciences: quadrivium: music modules, music mp3s | integrated (with trivium): mathematics/computing ]
[ creative arts: deviantART (and print shop) | literature | demos ]

ΆΘΗΝΑ (Athena): matron of wisdom, mathematics, science


   I'm Platonist. I was the CWU Mathematics Club Webmaster, and I tutored mathematics for many years and still occasionally help people in maths & other chat rooms, besides asking questions myself.
    The following are my ideas of polychora (four-dimensonal shapes) sections unfolded, with perspective (and 120-cell also without it), into R2 (two-dimensional space). Originally, I thought these were regular polychora, but actually these are sections or other shapes.

120-cell section? 120-cell section? 24-cell section?

computer science

    My CWU software engineering course senior project was working on the Wind Farm learning Resource (exhibited at Wild Horse Wind Farm) for Puget Sound Energy. I work on SlackBuilds, told the z88dk project the code fix that ported z88dk to NetBSD Unix.
    I did a small graphics demo (intro), which is on my demos page.
    I have written several computer science papers I may put here later.
    There is no system but GNU, and Linux is one of its kernels. GNU is the greatest, most glorious. Well, so are BSDs and other Free/Libre POSIX-based systems.

[ main | biography | links ]
[ liberal arts/sciences: quadrivium: music modules, music mp3s | integrated (with trivium): mathematics/computing ]
[ creative arts: deviantART (and print shop) | literature | demos ]